
It can sometimes be handy to access the data stored at a specific address within our computer’s memory. In C++ this is accomplished using a special kind of variable called a pointer.


Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

  • Retrieve the memory address of a variable using the address-of operator.
  • Read the data stored at a specific memory address using the indirection operator.
  • Store memory addresses to pointers.
  • Guard against undefined behaviour by using and testing for null and dangling pointers.
  • Explain the difference between pointers and references.
  • Pass functions as arguments to other functions using std::function or function pointers.
  • Use std::function and function pointers to pass functions around like data.
  • Describe how stack and heap allocation are used to store variable data.
  • Explain how memory-related bugs like stack overflows and memory leaks are triggers.
  • Use new and delete to request and free dynamically allocated memory.
  • Work with objects by way of pointers and with objects that have pointers as member variables.
  • Describe RAII and how it relates to dynamic memory management with pointers.
  • Make use of smart unique pointers to prevent potential memory leaks in your code.
  • Implement subtype polymorphism using inheritance and virtual functions.
  • Override virtual functions in a derived class.
  • Create abstract classes with pure virtual functions.
  • Call virtual polymorphic methods by way of references or pointers.
  • Work with polymorphic objects in the context of the standard library containers.

Table of contents