User Input

openFrameworks includes an event-driven system for responding to mouse and keyboard input.

Table of Contents

  1. Mouse Position and Input
  2. Keyboard Events

Mouse Position and Input

The current x/y location of the mouse can be retrieved as follows:

int mouseX = ofGetMouseX();
int mouseY = ofGetMouseY();

If you look through the ofApp.cpp and ofApp.h files you will see a number of predefined methods you can use to respond to mouse events as they happen:

  • void mouseMoved(int x, int y );
  • void mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button);
  • void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button);
  • void mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button);
  • void mouseEntered(int x, int y);
  • void mouseExited(int x, int y);

The value of the button parameter will be:

  • 0 if the left button is pressed.
  • 1 if the center button/wheel is pressed.
  • 2 if the right button is pressed.


Keyboard Events

There are similar keyPressed(int key) and keyReleased(int key) callbacks available to handle keyboard events.

The key parameter can be compared with specific characters:

void keyPressed(int key){
    if (key == 't'){
        // The t key was pressed.
    } else if (key == ' '){
        // The spacebar was pressed.

There are constants available to test for the arrow keys, backspace, return, and other special non-character keys: OF_KEY_BACKSPACE, OF_KEY_RETURN, OF_KEY_PRINTSCR, OF_KEY_F1 to OF_KEY_F12, OF_KEY_LEFT, OF_KEY_UP, OF_KEY_RIGHT, OF_KEY_DOWN, OF_KEY_PAGE_UP, OF_KEY_PAGE_DOWN, OF_KEY_HOME, OF_KEY_END, OF_KEY_INSERT
