Operator Overloading

C++ includes a powerful system for overloading existing operators to support custom behaviour for user defined types.

Table of Contents

  1. Operators as Functions
  2. Overloading Operators
  3. Friend Functions
  4. Classy Cash
  5. Overloading I/O Operators - Output Stream
  6. Overloading I/O Operators - Input Stream
  7. Date Math
  8. Date Addition Overload
  9. Further Reading

Operators as Functions

In C++ operators are implemented internally as functions. Let’s take + operator used for addition:

  int applesInBasket = 12;
  int applesFoundNearPortal = 50;
  int totalApples = applesInBasket + applesFoundNearPortal;

The addition in this code is internally handled by an int operator+(int arg1, int arg2) function:

  int totalApples = operator+(applesInBasket, applesFoundNearPortal);

🎵 Note:

This isn’t actually valid code, just an imagining of the C++ internals for integer addition.

Overloading Operators

Ealier we saw that function could be redefined with new signatures to override their behaviour. Since operators are actually functions in C++, they too can be overloaded.

Some limitations of operator overloading:

  • Certain operators cannot be overloaded, including ternary conditionals (? :), the scope resolution operator (::), the member selector (.), the member pointer selector (.*), and the sizeof operator.
  • Only existing operators can be overloaded. You cannot create new syntax.
  • One or more of the operands of the overloaded operator must be a user-defined type. You cannot redefine how operators work with the primitive data types.
  • You cannot change the number of operands supported by an operator.
  • Overloaded operators retain their order of execution precedence.

Friend Functions

Before we dive into overloading let’s quickly look at a new concept: Friend Functions

A friend function is a function that is granted access to the private members of a class. Functions are declared friends of a class by listing the function signature within the class along with the friend keyword.

Functions can be friends to multiple classes and you can even define an entire class as a friend.

A toy example:

class Value {
    int mValue;
    Value(int value)
      : mValue{value}
    { }

    // isEqual() is a friend of this class.
    friend bool isEqual(const Value &value1, const Value &value2);

// The implementation of isEqual could also go inside of the Value class.
bool isEqual(const Value &value1, const Value &value2) {
    // Accessing the private members of both parameters.
    return value1.mValue == value2.mValue;

Classy Cash

Imagine for a moment a Money class that internally stores Canadian currency as integer dollars and integer cents.

Next imagine you’d like to do the following:

 Money pocketChange{5, 98};
 Money foundInFountain{35, 37};
 Money totalMoney{pocketChange + foundInFountain}; // Add two Money objects together.
 totalMoney = totalMoney + 82; // Add 82 cents to an existing Money object.

A possible implementation:

Overloading I/O Operators - Output Stream

Make note of the second third overloaded operator in the previous example. By overloading the << operator and returning a reference an std::ostream parameter we can easily use Money objects within std::cout chains:

friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Money& money) {
  std::string padding{money.mCents < 10 ? "0" : ""};
  out << "$" << money.mDollars << "." << padding << money.mCents;
  return out;

// Later in the program:
Money pocketChange{5, 98};
std::cout << "I've got " << pocketChange << " in my pocket.\n";

🎵 Note:

The friend keyword isn’t required when overloading i/o operators for structs.

Overloading I/O Operators - Input Stream

The above example also includes an overloaded >> to allow an istream to be parsed to a the custom Money type.

friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &in, Money& money) {
  int dollars, cents;
  char dollarSign, dot;

  // Parses input in the form: $m.n (where m and n are integers)
  in >> dollarSign >> dollars >> dot >> cents;

  if ((dollarSign != '$') || (dot != '.')) {
    in.clear(std::ios_base::failbit); // Mark input as failed.
  } else {
    money = Money{dollars, cents};

  return in;

Which is then used like this:

Money userInput; // Requires a non-arg constructor.

do {
  std::cout << "Enter monetary amount using the format $#.##: ";

  if (std::cin >> userInput) { // Use the istream overload.
    break; // Successful read of Money value.

  // No number found so clear the cin error flag:
  // Ignore remaining user input to reset stream for the next try.
  std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
} while (true);

Date Math

Think back to the Date class we defined in the previous module. Here are some possible interesting overloads:

  • date1 - date2: The - operator could return the number of days between two dates.
  • date1++ or date1--: The ++ and -- operators could increment and decrements the day value of a date.
  • date1 + 5 or date1 - 10: The + and - operators could return new dates a certain number of days in the future or past.

Overloads need to make conceptual sense. The following overloads do not make sense in the domain of dates:

  • date1 + date2
  • 5 - date1
  • 100 * date1

Date Addition Overload

Below you’ll find a definition of a Date class with two overloaded operators:

  • An overloaded - to determine the number of days between two dates.
  • An overloaded + to add additional days to a date.

The overloaded - operator must be marked as a friend method so that when implemented it will have access to the private member variables of the two date arguments.

The overloaded + operator can be a member function as there isn’t need to access the private members of a second object.

Make note of the dataInMonth array and the isLeapYear() function that also need to be implemented to allow the overloaded operators to properly cross month boundaries.

class Date {
  static const int daysInMonth[];
  int mYear;
  int mMonth;
  int mDay;

  Date(int y, int m, int d);
  bool isLeapYear() const;
  void debugPrint() const;
  friend Date operator-(const Date& date1, const Date& date2);
  Date operator+(int additionalDays);

Further Reading