Basic Math

This section is a run-through of the basic math operators available in C++.

Table of Contents

  1. Available Math Operators
  2. Order of Operations
  3. Modulus
  4. Exponents
  5. Common Mathematical Functions
  6. Modify-and-Assign Operators
  7. Unary Increment and Decrement
  8. Floating Point Rounding Errors
  9. Floating Point Equality
  10. Integer Overflow
  11. Further Reading

Available Math Operators

Like most programming languages, C++ uses the following symbols for the basic math operations:

  • Addition: +
  • Subtractions: -
  • Multiplication: *
  • Division: \
  • Remainder (Modulus): %
  • Grouping Parenthesis: ()

⚡ Warning:

Most math operations are safe, but dividing by zero will crash a C++ program.

Order of Operations

PFMMDAS order of operations rules are applied:

  • P: Parenthesis First
  • F: Function Calls Next
  • MMD: Modulus, Multiplication, Division (From Left to Right)
  • AS: Addition and Substraction (From Left to Right)

🎵 Note:

This is a much simplified version of the precedence rules. See the complete table here.


The modulus operator % calculates the remainder of a division.

The expression a % b means: What remains after taking away all groups of b from a.

So, for example, 15 % 4 has a modulus of 3, because 4 goes into 15 three times with 2 remaining.

Modulus is commonly used to determine if a number is even or odd:


Exponents are used to multiply a number with itself any number of times.

C++ does not have an exponent operator, instead we use the std::pow() function from the <cmath> header.

For example, 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 could be written std::pow(2, 4).

Remember that with floating point numbers we also have a special syntax that represents powers of ten:

We can write 3 * std::pow(10, 23) as 3e23 using scientific notation.

⚡ Warning:

It’s very easy to cause an integer overflow when using std::pow.

Common Mathematical Functions

The <cmath> library provides ways to:

  • Compute square root or cubic root: std::sqrt() and std::cbrt
  • Round up, down, and trucate: std::ceil() and std::floor() and std::truncate()
  • Compute Trigonometric Functions: std::cos and std::sin and others.
  • Computer Exponentials and Logs: std:exp and std:log and others.

See cmath at for all available functions.

Modify-and-Assign Operators

We can pair the equals operator with other math operators to modify and assign the result back to a variable.

int dreams = 4;
dreams += 3; // Same as: dreams = dreams + 3
dreams -= 1; // Same as: dreams = dreams - 1
dreams /= 2; // Same as: dreams = dreams / 2
dreams *= 5; // Same as: dreams = dreams * 5
dreams %= 2; // Same as: dreams = dreams % 2

Unary Increment and Decrement

Like other C-influenced languages we have increment (++) and decrement (--) operators.

let milesFromHome = 14333; // Miles away from everything you hold dear.
milesFromHome++; // Up to 14334. Sames as: milesFromHome += 1
milesFromHome--; // Back to 14333. Same as: milesFromHome -= 1
milesFromHome--; // Down to 14332

++milesFromHome; // Prefix increment and decrements work too.

These unary operators have a very high precedence with respect to the other mathematical operators. See the full operator precedence table.

Floating Point Rounding Errors

Not all numbers can be stored precisely in a fixed number of binary digits.

Take the result of 1/3 for example:

  • Decimal result: 0.33333333... (The threes continue infinitely.)
  • When stored as binary: 0.01010101... (The pattern continue infinitely.)

Or even the result of 1/10:

  • In decimal we can be precise: 0.1
  • But when stored in binary: 0.000110011.. (Infinite digits still required.)

⚡ Warning:

C++ floating point numbers should always be considered approximations.

Floating Point Equality

The approximations in floating point math make some code error prone:

Integer Overflow

Integer math can be problematic too. C++ will not stop you from accidentally assigning an out-of-range a value for a particular type.

short secondsInDay = 60 * 60 * 24; // 86,400 is larger than the maximum short!

You also need to watch for variables that could increment or decrement past range limits:

⚡ Warning:

Watch out for integer overflow as it results in undefined behavior.

Further Reading