Other Containers

There are many other useful container types that are part of the C++ Standard Library.

Unreal Engine has their own types that should be used in place of the standard library containers.

This module lists some of the most commonly used of these containers and their Unreal Engine counterparts.

Table of Contents

  1. Array std::array
  2. Vector std::vector
  3. String std::string
  4. Map std::map & std::unordered_map
  5. Set std::set & std::unordered_set
  6. Tuple std::tuple
  7. Pair std::pair

Array std::array

Array of fixed length for storing ordered data of an uniform type.

Course Notes: Arrays Module

Reference: cppreference.com

Unreal Engine: TArray

Vector std::vector

Array of variable length for storing ordered data of an uniform type.

Course Notes: Vectors Module

Reference: cppreference.com

Unreal Engine: TArray

String std::string

Collection of characters.

Course Notes: Strings Module

Reference: cppreference.com

Unreal Engine: FString

Map std::map & std::unordered_map

Associative container for storing key/value pairs of specific types.

Reference: map @ cppreference.com and unordered_map @ cppreference.com

Unreal Engine: TMap

Set std::set & std::unordered_set

Container of unique values of a specific type.

Reference: set @ cppreference.com and unordered_set @ cppreference.com

Unreal Engine: TSet

Tuple std::tuple

Fixed sized collection of values of different types.

Reference: cppreference.com

Unreal Engine: TTuple

Pair std::pair

Collection of two values of different types.

Reference: cppreference.com

Unreal Engine: TPair