Collections of Data

C++ provides built-in data structures for storing and processing collections of data.


Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

  • Describe the purpose of namespaces in relation to variable scope.
  • Make use of built-in types defined in existing namespaces.
  • Define custom namespaces.
  • Store and access data of a uniform type in standard arrays and vectors.
  • Set, retrieve, and update elements in arrays and vectors.
  • Loop through the elements of an array or vector using a standard loop and range-based for loops.
  • Access, compare and manipulate container iterators.
  • Loop through the container elements using iterators.
  • Store and access text data using strings.
  • Concatenate strings with other strings and with primitives.
  • Extract, manipulate, and search for sub-strings.
  • Pass containers to functions as parameters.
  • Copy and compare containers.
  • List other helpful C++ container classes and their Unreal Engine counterparts.

Table of contents