A function is a named, independent section of code that performs a specific task and optionally returns a computed value.
Table of Contents
Functions are the verbs of computer programming. They do things.
They increase:
- Modularity, by allowing us to break down large programs into smaller parts.
- Reusability, by allowing us to reuse code without having to retype or copy/paste it.
- Readability, by allowing us to give descriptive names to specific parts of our program.
Function Definition and Execution
Functions are defined in Javascript using the function
function sayGoodnight() {
console.log("So Long");
// To execute this function:
Function Arguments
Functions can be defined to take one or more arguments by way of a parameter list.
Default values for the parameters can also be specified.
function sayGoodnightRepeatedly(name, numberOfTimes = 1) {
// Default value for numberOfTimes
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfTimes; i++) {
console.log(`Goodnight ${name}`);
sayGoodnightRepeatedly("Wally", 12);
sayGoodnightRepeatedly("Wally"); // Second argument defaults to 1.
Return Values
Functions can optionally return a value to the caller.
function pizzaMessage(piecesLeft, hungryPeople) {
if (piecesLeft < hungryPeople) {
return "Sorry we don't have enough pizza.";
} else {
return "Let's share! Any leftovers go to the dog.";
console.log(pizzaMessage(13, 7));
Variable Scope
Variables defined with let
are scoped to the function or the block in which they are defined.
function gemFactory(numberOfGems) {
let gems = "💎".repeat(numberOfGems); // The gems variable is a local variable.
return gems;
console.log(gems); // Error. Variable is out of scope.
let requestedGems = Number(prompt("How many gems to you want?")); // Converts the user's string to a number.
if (requestedGems > 0) {
let yourGems = gemFactory(requestedGems); // yourGems is only scoped to this block.
console.log(yourGems); // Error. The yourGems variable is out of scope.