Variables and Constants
Variables are name storage for the data used by our applications. When this data isn’t going to change we can mark the variable as a constant.
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Variables are defined in Javascript using the let
let warning = "There are too many goats in the kitchen!";
Javascript is a dynamically typed language so we do not specify the data type when defining a variable.
let number = 42;
let e = 2.71828;
let name = "Wally";
We can also separate the definition of a variable from its assignment.
let greeting; // The greeting variable is current undefined.
// Let's assign greeting a value:
greeting = "Greetings and salutations.";
Variable Names
Variable names in Javascript:
- Must only contain letters, numbers, or the symbols
. - Must start with a letter,
, or_
. - Are case sensitive.
- Should be written in camelCase if they comprise multiple words.
Sometimes it is handy to mark a variable as “never changing”. We do this in Javascript using the const
const PI = 3.1415926;
The const
keyword marks a variable as immutable. If we attempt to change the value of a constant our code will throw an error.
PI = 3; // Uncaught TypeError: invalid assignment to const 'PI'