User Input Validation and Sanitization
When accepting data into your web application from the outside world you need to ensure that this data is safe and meets your input expectations. This is a web security module.
Table of Contents
- Introductions
- Objectives
- Foreign Input
- A Word About Data Types
- Validation vs. Sanitization
- XSS Example
- SQL Injection
- Exploits of a Mom
- Validations with filter_input()
- Sanitization with filter_input()
- Over Zealous Validation
Most web applications make use of foreign data, information from the outside world. This data is used to control the flow of our applications. It may also end up in our database tables and eventually into our markup.
Ensuring that all data we use matches our expectations is important if we wish to keep our applications stable and secure.
We do this in two ways:
- Data Validation - Checking Foreign Input
- Data Sanitization - Cleaning Foreign Input
Foreign Input
We must never trust foreign data.
The most common foreign data we deal with are the key/value parameters sent to our programs by way of URLs and HTML forms.
Foreign input sources:
- The
Superglobals - Session / Cookie Values
- Uploaded Files
- 3rd Party API Requests
- Internal Data Integration Systems
A Word About Data Types
On the web, most foreign data arrives as a String.
A form used to submit an age will submit the string '24'
not the integer 24
It’s important to note that PHP will auto-cast a String variable to a number, if you use it as a number.
if($_POST['age'] > 20) { // $_POST['age'] is auto-cast to an integer.
// ...
Validation vs. Sanitization
Validation is verifying that data conforms to the rules you set for a particular input field. For example, when we ask for a user’s age, we expect a positive number in return.
Sanitization is filtering data to remove corrupt or harmful information. For example, to block SQL Injection or Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.
XSS Example
What would happen if you had a comment form on a website that accepted the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
SQL Injection
What would happen if the same comment form accepted this input:
'); DROP TABLE comments; --
Exploits of a Mom
Her daughter is named Help I’m trapped in a driver’s license factory.
Validations with filter_input()
Simple validations are often required to ensure that the input is present and reasonable. We might also need to ensure that our data matches the column type expectations of the database table where it will be stored.
For example, ensuring that a user’s age was provided and that it is a positive whole number.
function valid_user_age() {
return filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'user_age', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) && ($POST['user_age'] >= 0);
Sanitization with filter_input()
Sanitization can be used to prevent HTML injection by converting certain characters to HTML entities.
function filtered_comment() {
return filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'comment', FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS);
The malicious comment:
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type='text/javascript'>alert('p0wnd');</script>gt;
Often we combine validation and sanitization.
function filtered_user_status() {
return filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'user_status', FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS);
function valid_user_status() {
$status_length = strlen(filtered_user_status());
return $status_length > 0 && $status_length <= 140;
Over Zealous Validation
- Cartoon Source: Validation Guide