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React Components and Properties

React components are functions that return JSX. The JSX returned can be customized through the use of component properties.

Table of Contents

  1. My First React Component
  2. CodePen Auto-Imports Dependencies
  3. Props is Short for Properties
  4. Components within Component
  5. Multiple Props
  6. Destructuring Props
  7. Destructuring Function Parameters
  8. Default Props Values

My First React Component

Let’s render a simple React component:

See the Pen Hello React Component by Kyle Geske (@stungeye) on CodePen.

Things to know about React components:

  • React components are functions named in CamelCase.
  • Functional components return JSX.
  • Components are declared as JSX elements of the same name: <Hello />

📢 Note: We won’t be learning about legacy class-based components.

CodePen Auto-Imports Dependencies

These CodePens were configured to auto-include the React dependencies, so missing from the code are the imports:

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

Props is Short for Properties

React components can be made configurable by accepting a single props parameter.

Let’s update the Hello component to accept and use a name property:

function Hello(props) {
  return <p>Hello {}</p>;

A component’s attributes become properties of the props object:

<Hello name="Wally" />
<Hello name="Daisy" />

👆 In this example the values of the name attributes are assigned to within the declared Hello components.

Components within Component

To demo props let’s nest two Hello components in a new App component:

See the Pen React Components within Components by Kyle Geske (@stungeye) on CodePen.

👆 Rendering the App component into the rootElement on the last line of code.

Multiple Props

Components can accept any number of props. Let’s add a greeting prop:

See the Pen Multiple Props React by Kyle Geske (@stungeye) on CodePen.

📢 Note: The order of the attributes on a JSX element does not matter.

Destructuring Props

Use a destructuring function parameter to unpack the prop object properties:

See the Pen Destructuring Props React by Kyle Geske (@stungeye) on CodePen.

👆 Instead of props.greeting and we now use greeting and name within the component.

Destructuring Function Parameters

Destructuring can be used for any function parameter in Javascript. For example:

function logLove({ count, animals }) {
  console.log(`I love you as much as ${count} ${animals}.`);

const data = { count: 42, animals: "Elephants" };


Default Props Values

Destructuring the function parameter allows for prop defaults:

See the Pen Default Props Values React by Kyle Geske (@stungeye) on CodePen.

👆 The Hello component can now be declared with zero, one, or two attributes.
