View Helpers

View helpers are method we can call in our ERB views to generate markup. In the previous section we looked at the link_to helper.

There are many other helpful helpers.

Table of Contents

  1. Displaying Images
  2. Rails View Partials
  3. Rendering Partials for Objects or Collections
  4. Working With Model Forms
  5. Model Forms with Associations
  6. Select Dropdowns with form_tag

Displaying Images

The image_tag helper builds an HTML <img /> tag for the specified file. By default, files are loaded from the app/assets/images folder.

To display the app/assets/images/fish.png image:

<%= image_tag "fish.png" %>

We can also any of the img tag attributes using symbols:

<%= image_tag "fish.png", , :width ='20%' %>

This would generate:

<img alt="Fish" src="/assets/fish.png" width="20%" />

For model objects that include an image URL string property, or an ActiveStorage attached image, we use the helper like this:

<%= image_tag @product.image %>

Assuming that @product is an ActiveRecord model object.

Rails View Partials

Partials are a device for breaking the view rendering process into more manageable chunks. With a partial, you can move the code for rendering a particular view to its own file. This allows us to keep our view code DRY.

Render the _menu.html.erb file found in the current folder:

<%= render 'menu' %>

This is a short-cut for:

<%= render partial: 'menu' %>

If the _menu.html.erb file isn’t in the current folder, for example the app/view/shared folder:

<%= render 'shared/menu' %>

NOTE: Partial filenames must always begin with an underscore, but we don’t use the underscores in the render arguments.

Rendering Partials for Objects or Collections

Given a @product variable that contains a Product object render a _product.html.erb file found in the products view folder.

<%= render @product %>

Given a collection of Product objects in @products render the views/products/_product.html.erb once for each Product.

<%= render @products %>

These are shortened forms for the fully expanded calls to the render command. The first of these is equivalent to:

<%= render partial: 'product', object: @product %>

The second is equivalent to:

<%= render partial: 'product', collection: @products %>


Rails partials have a lot more to offer, including local variables. Be sure to read through:

Working With Model Forms

We can use the form_with helper to bind a form to a model object.

Imagine a controller where the new and edit actions load a Post object into a @post variable. In the view, we could build a form bound to the Post model object:

<%= form_with(model: @post, local:true) do |f| %>
      <%= f.label :title %><br/>
      <%= f.text_field :title %>
    <%= f.label :body %><br/>
    <%= f.text_area :body %>
    <%= f.label :image %><br/>
    <%= f.text_field :image %>
  <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

The f block argument is a form builder. We use it to build the various components of our form.

For example, this code:

<%= f.label :image %>
<%= f.text_field :image %>

Would generate these html form tags, associated with the Post object’s image property.

<label for="post_image">Image</label>
<input id="post_image" name="post[image]" size="30" type="text" value="" />


More information on dealing with generic forms, or model-centric forms read the Form Helper Rails Guide.

Model Forms with Associations

Rails makes it easy to associate one model with another by way of a foreign key. In our CRM example the customer model had a province_id property. To link the two models:

in app\models\customer.rb:

belongs_to :province

in app\models\province.rb:

has_many :customers

Then within the customers _form partial:

<div class="field">
  <%= f.label :province_id %><br />
  <%= f.collection_select :province_id, @provinces, :id, :name %>

This view code assumes that the @provinces instance variable contains a collection of all the Province objects from the provinces table. This instance variable would have to be added to any controller actions using this _form partial.

It also assumes that Province objects have a name property containing the name of the province.

Select Dropdowns with form_tag

The f.collection_select helper works nicely with form_for, but sometimes you want to build a select dropbox for use with a form_tag. For this we use a combination of select_tag and options_for_select.

<%= form_tag some_route_path do %>
   <%= select_tag :my_option, options_for_select(@some_array) %>
   <%= submit_tag "Search" %>
<% end %>

When this form is submitted the option selected by the user in the select dropdown will be found in params[:my_option].

The @some_array variable should be an array of strings to use as options for the select dropdown.

If your options are coming from an ActiveRecord collection, you can use the options_from_collection_for_select helper. The added benefit of this helper is that the value attributes of each option tag can be made to contain the ActiveRecord id of the collection members.

So for example, if you had an @categories collection of Category objects where each category had a name:

<%= select_tag :category, options_from_collection_for_select(@categories, 'id', 'name') %>

On submission of the form the selected category id could be found in params[:category].
