Course Introduction

You are an experiment and so is this course. :)

Table of Contents

  1. Full Stack Web Development
  2. Why Ruby?
  3. Ruby Design Principles
  4. Why Rails?
  5. Who’s Using Rails?
  6. Education, Learning and Responsibility

Full Stack Web Development

Our Course Mascot

The goal of this course is to expose you to:

  • Ruby Programming Language
  • Rails Web Programming Framework
  • Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
  • RESTful Routing Convention
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux
  • Git Source Control Tool
  • API Consumption and CSV Importing
  • Web Server Configuration & Deployment
  • Pair Programming
  • CSS Frameworks & Tooling
  • Credit Card Processing
  • Containerization (Docker)
  • Moar!

Why Ruby?

Happy happy! Joy joy!

  • Dynamic interpreted languages are gaining popularity (Perl, Python, Javascript, Lua, &c).
  • Ruby is free (with a very open license for program distribution)
  • Strong programming community (good tutorials, example code, forums, &c)
  • Optimized for “Programming Happiness”

If you’ve got 30 minutes, why don’t you give Ruby a try in your browser.

Ruby Design Principles

  • Principle of Least Surprise
  • Principle of Succinctness (a.k.a. Principle of Least Effort)
  • Write more understandable code in less lines
  • Less code means less bugs
  • The quicker we program, the more we accomplish


Why Rails?

Hop On The Rails

  • Model View Controller (MVC) is becoming the defacto standard for coding web apps.
  • Rails code is very DRY (With Rails you Don’t Repeat Yourself)
  • Convention over Configuration (Sane defaults but still customizable)
  • Open Source with over 4,500 contributors.

Careful! The Rails framework is ‘opinionated’ meaning that it tries to steer you to code in the ‘Rails Way’. If your program becomes overly complex or bogged-down in details, you have drifted from the ‘Rails Way’.


Who’s Using Rails?

Who's Using Rails?

These popular sites were all built on Rails:

Education, Learning and Responsibility

You Are Responsible For Your Brain

“Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.” – Oscar Wilde

Understanding Requires Action

If you find yourself falling behind in your understanding of the course material please contact me, or ask a classmate for help. Remember that you reap what you sow. If you put minimal effort into this course you will get very little out of it. This means:

  • Reading all assigned reading materials.
  • Completing (and understanding) all challenges.
  • Mastering the Rails / Ruby documentation.
  • Typing out Code (No Copypasta)
  • Experimentation is better than Stack Overflow and Google-coding
  • Permission for Failure / Learning from Mistakes
