Booleans and Conditions

Boolean values let us script decisions.

Table of Contents

  1. True and False
  2. Boolean Expressions
  3. If Statements
  4. If Else Statements
  5. Unless Statements
  6. Case Statements
  7. Case Statment With Expressions

True and False

All variables in Ruby are true, unless they are set to false or nil. This includes empty strings or even the number zero.

if (0)
  puts 'Zero is true!'

empty_string = ''

if (empty_string)
  puts 'An empty string is true!'


Zero is true!
An empty string is true!

Boolean Expressions

A boolean expression is a mathematical expression that results in either true or false.

Boolean expressions can contain the following common operators (and more):

Symbol Meaning
== equal
!= not equal
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal
<= less than or equal
&& Boolean ‘and’
¦¦ Boolean ‘or’

Boolean expressions can also contain a single boolean variable.

Let’s assume we have a boolean variable named you_have_had_enough which has already been set to either true or false:

puts 'Enough Already' if you_have_had_enough

If Statements

Ruby’s if statements work like you would expect.

if x > 5
  puts 'Yo, x is still larger than 5.'

Note that parenthesis around the Boolean expression are optional.

if as a modifier:

puts 'Great Scott!' if speed_of_delorean > 88

If Else Statements

Else statements also work as expected:

if (temperature < 0)
  clothing = 'snowsuit'
elsif (temperature < 25)
  clothing = 'pant suit'
  clothing = 'bathing suit'

Note that we use elsif and not else if.

Unless Statements

The unless statement is the bizarro evil twin (the logical inverse) of if:

unless temperature < 0
  puts 'Let us go for a stroll.'

Unless is rarely paired with an else and can most often be found as a trailing modifier:

snow_fort = 'awesome home' unless temperature > 0

All unless statements can be replaced by an if statement and an exclamation mark ‘not’ modifier. However, this sometimes makes the expression harder to read for humans. (Robots on the other hand love the ‘not’ modifier.)

if !(temperature < 0) # Better written as the equivalent: if temperature >= 0
  puts 'Let us go for a stroll.'

Case Statements

Case statements are similar to those in Java. The number_of_chairs variable is said to be the target of the case statement.

number_of_chairs = 4

case number_of_chairs
when 1
  puts 'Lonely with teardrops in my tea.'
when 2
  puts 'Tea for two.'
  puts 'Two for tea.'
when (3..10) # COOL: Comparing against a range.
  puts "It's a tea party!"
  puts 'I feel claustrophobic.'

Note: Unlike Java we do not require breaks after each when block.

Case Statment With Expressions

The target of the case statement can be left-out:

enlightenment = 42

when enlightenment > 60
  puts 'You are too hasty, grasshopper.'
when (enlightenment < 40 || enlightenment == nil)
  puts 'You are like the sloth, my friend. Diligence is key!'
when enlightenment == 42
  puts 'Hello, Enlightened One.'
  puts 'Yeah, not quite, pal. Maybe next time.'


  • Example lovingly ‘borrowed’ from the Humble Little Ruby Book. (See Resources.)