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Life is a class that implements Conway’s Game of life, a simple cellular automaton.

The Game of Life is “played” on a two-dimensional grid of square cells, each of which is in one of two possible states, alive or dead.

The game plays out in time-steps called ticks. At every tick, each cell interacts with its eight neighours. At each step, the following transitions occur:

  • Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies.
  • Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives.
  • Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies.
  • Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell.

I have implemented this code in a Test Driven manner in order to practice TDD and to play with the new Ruby testing library Minitest. The tests can be found here.

There is also a simple Shoes app for visualizing the game.

The code has been tested using Ruby 1.9.2 and 1.8.7.

Github Repo: /stungeye/tdd_gam_of_life

In the Beginning was the Word

Our Life class has three public getters. One for retrieving the array of live cells, the other two for the grid dimensions. Unlike the ‘pure’ definition of the game, our grid is not infinite in size.

class Life
  attr_reader :cells, :width, :height

OutOfBoundsError is a custom Exception that can be thrown by the neighbours method.

  class OutOfBoundsError < ArgumentError; end

When constructing a Life object we need to supply an array of cells along with the dimensions of the grid. The array of cells represents only live cells. Each cell contains the 2d coordinates of the cell.

So, for example, if you had two live cells in the grid, one at x=1 and y=0 and another at x=2 and y=3, the array would be:

[[1, 0], [2, 3]]

Side Note: Based on the number of times x,y appears in the code, this array of arrays should likely be an array of cell objects, or an array of structs.

  def initialize(cells, width, height)
    @cells = cells
    @width = width
    @height = height

These are the People in Your Neighbourhood

Given two sets of x, y coordinates, are they neighbours?

  def neighbour?(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Remember, you are not your own neighbour!

    return false  if x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 

A neighbour is an adjecent cell. In otherwords, neither our delta x or our delta y can be greater than one.

    (x1 - x2).abs <= 1 && (y1 - y2).abs <= 1

The neighbours method returns the number of neigbouring live cells for any x, y coordinate in the grid.

  def neighbours(x, y)

If the x, y arguments are out of bounds we raise our custom OutOfBoundError.

    raise OutOfBoundsError  if out_of_bounds x, y
    neighbours_found = 0

This method is compuationally expensive. As such, the performance degrades as our cells count grows.

    @cells.each do |cx, cy|
      neighbours_found += 1  if neighbour? cx, cy, x, y

Life, The Next Generation

The next_gen method generates the game state of the next tick.

  def next_gen

We start with an empty cell array…

    @next_cells = []
    @height.times do |y|
      @width.times do |x|

…and we add cells depending on the rules of the game.

        @next_cells << [x,y]  if should_remain_alive?(x, y) || 
                                 should_come_to_life?(x, y)

Finally we return a new Life object instantiated with the next generation of cells.

    Life.new @next_cells, @width, @height

The Rules of Life

Cells that are alive should remain so if they have 2 or 3 neighbours.

  def should_remain_alive?(x,y)
    alive?(x,y) && (2..3).include?(neighbours(x,y))

Cells that are dead should come to life if they have exactly 3 neighbours.

  def should_come_to_life?(x, y)
    dead?(x,y) && neighbours(x,y) == 3

Helper Methods

A cell at a particular x,y coordinate is alive if it can be found in our array of @cells.

  def alive?(x, y)
    @cells.include?([x, y])

A cell at a particular x,y coordinate is dead if it is not alive. :)

  def dead?(x,y)
    !alive?(x, y)

Allow us to bring specific cells to life, as long as they aren’t already alive. This method is only used in the Shoes GUI.

  def set_cell_alive!(x, y)
    @cells << [x, y]  if !alive?(x,y)

Our grid bounaries are zero-based and depend on our @width and @height.

  def out_of_bounds(x, y)
    x < 0 || x >= @width || y < 0 || y >= @height

Our Life object can output a string representation of itself. Live cells are shown as asteriks and dead cells as minus signs.

  def to_s 
    output = ""
    @height.times do |y|
      @width.times do |x|
        output << (@cells.include?([x,y]) ? '*' : '-')
      output << "\n"


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.